A top outfit for the O-Figure: The Long jacket and patterned scarf create long vertical lines in the middle of the body, while the neckline and slim cuffs are accentuated.
First of all: When O-figure type you are a real belly man. Your curves in the middle of the body are not to be overlooked and otherwise everything is at your figure rounded wonderfully soft and feminine. However, the further away a body part of this center, the more delicate it is. From the waist down you stand on great, slender legs with narrow cuffs. Also your forearms and wrists are tender and seem almost fragile. All that lies between your plump belly and slender limbs varies, depending on individual body type between full and slim. For example, many women with O- figure additionally have a fairly generous cleavage.
If you are not yet quite sure if you are really an O- figure type, you can post in the ” proportions instead of problem areas” quickly find out which figure type best suits you.
Women with O- figure type can be wonderfully fashionable stage. If you are visually stretch your midsection somewhat and structure as well as accentuate your cleavage, your narrow wrists and legs, is very quickly out of you a superb woman full of delicacy and refinement.